Magnetically shielded inductors minimize EMI while balancing small size with low DCR and high current ratings. Perfect as power chokes and for eliminating noise in power supplies in
automotive, commercial, industrial, and high-reliability
Coilcraft unshielded power inductors with open magnetic constructions provide
high saturation current ratings. These are used for general-purpose power choke and power supply applications.
Coilcraft coupled inductors / transformers are magnetically shielded and feature low
DC resistance, and tight coupling in
1:1, 1:N, and
1:1:1 turns ratios. Excellent for
Flyback, SEPIC, Ćuk, and Zeta topologies.
Our shielded uncoupled dual inductors operate independently without coupling effects, saving space by combining two inductors in a single package. Perfect for
Class-D applications up to 100 Watts.
Coilcraft high-voltage power inductors support the need for voltage-rated inductors in applications such as high-voltage DC-DC and AC-DC power supplies, industrial automation and control systems, home automation, appliances, and automotive, including electric vehicles (EVs).
- Voltage-rated power inductors
- Ratings up to 800 V
See High Voltage Inductors