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Cx Family Common Mode Chokes
0402CT Low Profile Chip Inductors
XAL7050 High-inductance Shielded Power Inductors
XGL4020 Ultra-low DCR Power Inductors



RoHS compliant
FL3209‑1L, FL3209‑2L, FL3209‑3L and FL3209‑4L are not recommended for new designs. The FL3209‑1L and FL3209‑3L have been replaced by FL3209-5L. The FL3209‑2L and FL3209‑4L have been replaced by FL3209‑6L. The replacement parts are electrically equivalent. We will continue to support existing customers of the superseded parts. (View data sheet with superseded parts.)

For more information and specification about the part.

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Buy Now:
Count Unit price
1 $5.58
400 $5.19
800 $4.51
1600 $3.94
3200 $3.38

For high volume or non-stock items, request a quote.

. in stock, ready to ship today.
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Electrical specifications at 25°C.

Package 1

Part number 1 Schematic Turns Ratio Power (W) Inductance
typ (µH) 2
sec (A)
Vrms (V) 3 Vinst max (V) 4 DCR max (Ω) 5 Isolation
Voltage (Vrms) 6
Pri : Sec : Fb Pri Sec Pri Sec Pri Sec Fb
FL2015-7LD A 1 : 67 : 0.19 6.0 50 0.011 23 1600 29 2000 0.16 176 0.10 1500
  1. When ordering, please specify packaging code: e.g. FL2810-1LD
  2. Inductance is measured across both halves of the primary.
  3. Vrms = continuous voltage.
  4. Vinst = instantaneous voltage at startup.
  5. DCR at 25°C. For other operating temperatures, use this DCR at Temperature calculator.
  6. Windings to core isolation is 1500 Vrms for all parts. Isolation is tested for one minute.
    For Schematic B, primary is not isolated from the secondary.


  • D = 13″ machine ready reel. EIA-481 embossed plastic tape. Quantities less than full reel available: in tape (not machine ready) or with leader and trailer ($25 charge). Package 1: 400 parts per full reel. Package 4: 750 parts per full reel. Package 5: 1000 parts per full reel.
  • B = Less than full reel. In an effort to simplify our part numbering system, Coilcraft is eliminating the need for multiple packaging codes. When ordering, simply change the last letter of your part number from B to D.
RoHS compliant
Ambient temperature range:
−40°C to +85°C
Storage temperature range:
Component: –40°C to +85°C
Tape and reel packaging: –40°C to +80°C
Failures in Time (FIT) / Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF):



Physical characteristics

Package 1


Package 4


Package 5 - In-board mounting


Tape and Reel specification

  Parts per reel Reel dimensions (mm) Tape dimensions (mm) Orientation
  13" (330 mm) A B C D E W P Po P1 H T part_or_i.gif
Package 1 400 330 100 13 50,4 44,4 44 20 4 2 7,8 0,37
Package 4 750 330 100 13 50,4 44,4 44 16 4 2 6,1 0,35
Package 5 1000 330 100 13 62,4 56,4 56 12 4 2 5,77 0,35

General specification

3.6 – 6.1 g
Package 1: 400/13″ reel 44 mm tape width
Package 4: 750/13″ reel 44 mm tape width
Package 5: 1000/13″ reel 56 mm tape width
For packaging data see Tape and Reel Specifications section.


Resistance to soldering heat:
Three reflows at >217°C for 90 seconds (+260°C ±5°C for 20 – 40 seconds), allowing parts to cool to room temperature between.
Refer to Soldering Coilcraft Components before soldering.
PCB Washing:
Tested to MIL-STD-202 Method 215 plus an additional aqueous wash. More info

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